How to Read Ukulele Tablature


This is a blank tablature.

There are four lines of dashes representing the four strings on your ukulele.

What the Numbers Mean on a Tablature


The numbers are frets. Tablatures are always read left to right.

The 0 means open string. So a 0 on the C string means we are picking the C string open.  No fingers on the fret.

We then see the number 2 on the C string. That means we are putting a finger on the 2nd fret C string and picking it.

When we see the number 1 on the E string, that means we are putting a finger on the 1st fret E string and picking.

Try picking the above tablature. Do you recognize the song? If not, you’re not doing it right, dummy. Try again. Or you had a sad childhood. Sorry.

Chords In Tablatures


When the numbers are aligns like above, this is a chord. These are the chords shown: Am F C G

Do you see it?


The Hard Part

It’s difficult to know the rhythm of a song. Sometimes people will put the numbers closer or further from each other or divided into measures. But we are here because we are beginners so if you don’t know what the song is suppose to sound like, you’re basically screwed. So learn something you already know, or listen to examples of it.



Have fun playing your ukulele! If there is something wrong with my post, or you still have questions please let me know. Thanks!